Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Feeling philosophic right now!

So what is it that you desire the most in life? Money? Power? Fame? Happiness? Good food? Great travel? Love? None of the earlier? All of the earlier? Something entirely different? ... Or wait, are you the sorts, like me, who just can't figure out what they want the most in life!

While I was trying to find an answer to this 'very philosophic' question the other day, I wondered how is it that so many people know it so naturally that they want 'a red coloured dress with a golden dupatta and copper-coloured peep-toes with it', whereas all I seem to know about my wanting is... 'I want clothes'! (Not to forget mentioning the fact that I don't think such detailed-to-the-T people do any better in looking pretty than I do!!!!)

Then I thought, may be, a simple way to decode a valid and justifiable answer for 'what do I desire most in life' would be in answering 'What is the one thing I could die or kill someone for?"... ummmm.. truth be told, there is a list of things (at least 10 that I can count in one breath right now) for which I could go to the extent of killing somebody. And, there is quite an exhaustive list things for which I could die!

Is there anybody, anybody at all, who lacks clarity on this subject like I do? Anybody who makes statements about what they desire, dream and wish for.. and then secretly wonder, 'what difference would all those things make to me anyway?'.

To me, it seems like I am a victim of ever-shifting internal goal posts! But man, it's alright... I shall tame my senses some day!


  1. There is no real harm in not knowing what one wants in life.

    Sometimes that's the purpose of the whole journey called life, to figure out what one wants.

    If one knows it beforehand, it would ruin the fun, isn't it?

  2. But imagine a situation where one knew what to do with her/his life, and then spent life chasing it to the best! Better than aimlessness, I am sure!
