Friday, September 5, 2014

Drawing challenge - Day 1 - Yourself

When I started reading out to the husband what I will have to draw under this challenge, he made an 'OMG' sound at the first day challenge itself! Of course, it is quite a task when someone asks a non-artist to 'draw yourself'!

This is like double-insult happening here... (a) I cannot draw, (b) I have to draw myself with my poor drawing abilities.

But whatever... here is what I drew myself as...

How can one describe one's own appearance? There are so many things I perpetually complain about in the  way I look; BUT I don't hate myself! So here is an honest drawing of me, by myself.

I have a big round face, something that I have had a problem with always! It's something I can never stop thinking about, so the first thing I started out with was an O in the middle of the page, a BIG ROUND!

Hair was the hardest thing to draw! I mean, I have no particular hair-style that I can pen down! It's just one big pile of wild grass, growing in all directions and thinning by the hour. But I love how I drew my 'step cut' to appear so beautifully... Since childhood I had my mother go to a salon and ask the dresser to do me a 'step cut'... This is how it looks! hehehe

I have not missed out of capturing my sparkling and new nose-piercing... I waited three decades before doing it finally, and well, it shines bright each time I see myself in the mirror! *blush blush*.

If you look closely, there is also the mole on my left cheek that I have drawn there... that's something that I get from my maternal family. My mom, naani, massis, mama's daughter... we all have it! (Our kumbh ke mele mein bicharne ka backup plan!)

While there's not much to describe about my obese body, I chose to draw what I mean from within... A BIG HEART! I love to love people, share warmth, receive love and warmth, and hold no bars when I need to show my affection! There's SO MUCH love I have that I want to give to one and all! Sharing love and warmth is what I consider my motive in life is! Try me sometime, if you doubt!

The keyboard (which my office-friend thought was a remote control) depicts what I do for most part of my day... Being a journalist involves insane amount of typing... insane!

The two bubbles -- what I say most often is "Puniiiii.. I love you noooo" and what I am thinking all the time are vacation plans and hills and the ocean and sunsets and sunrises!

'The thing on the right bottom", as the husband described it, is my bag... forever overflowing! It's a pretty burgundy colour Allen Solly that lives with me day and night, and despite its HUGE size, the earphones and phone charger and my diary just keep flowing out all the bleddy time!

A lot in this picture depicts what is the most important part of me, what makes me who I am and what I wear with pride and honour--My love for the man in my life. The vermilion (which is black here, since it is a pencil sketch), the mangalsutra that I never part with and my shiny solitaire ring & eternity band (I tried making it, but, ugh!). I love being married, and I think it's the best thing to have happened to me ever... I love knowing and remembering it each day, and I love showing it off!

So that's all with the fancy-elaborate discussion about my shabby sketch! hehehe

Until tomorrow's drawing...

(Note: I shall only used waste paper, one side used, etc, for this challenge. I hate wasting paper!)

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