Thursday, September 11, 2014

Drawing Challenge - Day 7 - My Favourite Movie

"I love the world! I'm so happy! Thank you!"

And that is how she concluded her Oscar award winning speech in 2000 when she won an Academy for Erin Brockovich.

If I had the final word on Oscars, I would give Julia Roberts the award for the Best Leading Actor-Female, every year... year after year... even if it had been several years since she did a movie! That is my love for her. And this is just a fraction of how much I love her and what her smile means to me.

Today's challenge was to draw my favourite movie. How am I supposed to choose one movie between all those I am in LOVE WITH???

I grew up on Julia Roberts. Whether it was Notting Hill or Pretty Woman, I have seen them all a 100 times over. From Monalisa Smile to Eat Pray Love, I have watched them all, or rather sat through them all just dumb-struck at Julia Robert's face, waiting for her to smile.... Ah! That bright, sunshine-like smile. How can I not love her, how can anybody not love her?

Having proved my drawing inabilities in the previous six posts, I am sure I would have killed myself if I tried to draw Julia Roberts (though I confess that I did try. What came out seemed like a witch out of some fairy tale! lol)

I LOVE YOU, JULIA ROBERTS... You are the most beautiful actor EVER!

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